Published: 2024-06-28
Full Issue
Research Articles
The Impact of Sociolinguistically Informed Critical Pedagogy
An Appraisal Attitude Analysis
AbstractExtensive literature has been devoted to examining the attitudes of Spanish speakers towards their own language varieties, yet further research...
Feelings Towards Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Mixed Spanish Classes Containing Different Types of Learners
AbstractPrevious research has shown that positive emotions can facilitate language learning (e.g., Alrabai, 2022), while negative emotions can hinder it...
(Re)constructing Linguistic Identity in Southern California
The Role of Spanglish
AbstractThis study aims to explore the complex and multifaceted ways in which young adults of Mexican descent negotiate and construct their identities...
Measuring Critical Language Awareness in Spanish as a Heritage Language Classrooms
AbstractThe first part of this study reports findings of the improved scope, reliability, and validity of a questionnaire completed by 89 students...
En Acción
Integrating Task-Based Language Teaching, Critical Language Pedagogy, and Service-Learning to Foster Critical Language Awareness
AbstractThe current study takes a novel approach to integrating principles of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), Critical Language Pedagogy (CLP), and...
Book Reviews
Review of: Communicative Spaces in Bilingual Contexts: Discourses, Synergies and Counterflows in Spanish and English, edited by A. Sánchez-Muñoz and J. Retis
AbstractSánchez-Muñoz, A., & Retis, J. (Eds.). (2022). Communicative Spaces in Bilingual Contexts: Discourses, Synergies and Counterflows in...
Review of: Heritage Language Program Direction: Research into Practice by Sara M. Beaudrie and Sergio Loza
AbstractBeaudrie, Sara M. & Loza, Sergio. (2023) Heritage language program direction: Research into practice. Routledge. 260 pp.