Author Guidelines
SHL is co-published by the University of Florida Press and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies at the University of Florida.
We invite contributions of original, unpublished manuscripts on the following five regular submission types:
1. Original Research Article: Original Research Articles are full-length submissions related to the aims & scope of SHL. Articles should be 6,000–8,000 words, including tables, figure captions, and references. Manuscripts outside the recommended length will be accepted at the discretion of the editor.
2. Thinking Allowed: This is a space for contributors to provide a thoughtful assessment, critique, or overview of a significant topic in the field of SHL studies. Submissions that engage with interdisciplinary perspectives to challenge, expand and/or evolve current approaches to theory and practice are particularly welcomed. Contributors may also present short discussions or commentaries on recently published items. Prior to publication, essays commenting on previously published items are shared with the original authors to afford them an opportunity to respond to the commentary. Insight pieces should not exceed 3,000 words, including references.
3. En Acción: These submissions describe a particular pedagogical tool or practice, such as methods of assessment, experiential learning plans, creative experiences, and the treatment of specific topics in the classroom. These submissions must include a concise review of the literature, pedagogical objectives, context (e.g., composition courses, entry-level language courses, service-learning), and materials (i.e., tablets, google docs, worksheets), as well as the protocol and timeline for implementing the practice/activity/intervention/project. These pieces must adhere to APA guidelines, and be between 3,000 and 5,000 words in length, including references.
4. Book Review: Book Reviews are solicited by the journal editor on books/volumes that may be of interest to the SHL community. Unsolicited reviews will not ordinarily be considered for publication. Book reviews should not exceed 1,500 words, including references.
5. Dissertation summaries: Recent graduates are invited to submit a summary of their dissertation provided that its content is clearly related to the general interest of the journal. As a requirement, graduation must have taken place within 12 months of submission. Dissertation summaries should not exceed 1,500 words, including title, author and committee members’ names, affiliations, and defense date.
Review Process:
All submissions will first be screened by the editor and, if found to be appropriate to the journal, will undergo peer review by at least two anonymous reviewers. The journal operates using a double-blind review process, meaning that authors and reviewers will remain anonymous to one another. Based on the reviewers’ reports, the editor will determine whether to reject, or accept (with minor or major revisions) the manuscript.
Those interested in reviewing manuscripts for SHL should create an account at Make sure to add your research interests as keywords in the account creation process to be matched with relevant manuscript submissions.
Submission Instructions:
Submit manuscripts to:
Authors submitting manuscripts to Spanish as a Heritage Language must abide by the international standards and guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), found here:
By submitting a manuscript to the journal, you are acknowledging that the work has not been previously published, that the work is not being considered for publication in other venues, and that you will not allow the manuscript to be so considered before notification in writing of an editorial decision by Spanish as a Heritage Language. Upon acceptance of a manuscript, the corresponding author will be sent the Journal Publishing Agreement form to sign. This form outlines the rights of the author and publisher with regard to publication of the manuscript.
This journal’s website uses the Open Journal Systems software to manage the peer review of manuscript submissions. You will need to create an account the first time you use the ScholarOne system as either an author or reviewer for SHL. To create an account, register here: See below for more specific guidelines for preparing and submitting your manuscript to Spanish as a Heritage Language.
- Include a title and, in most cases, informative headings.
- Include an abstract of no more than 250 words and at least three keywords that preferably do not appear in the title.
- The manuscript should conform to the APA reference style.
- Do not include identifying information about the author(s) in the text or file properties.
- Submit as Microsoft Word files (.doc or .docx) that are numbered and single-spaced (including the abstract, block quotations, tables and figures, and references).
- Authors are responsible for obtaining written permission and paying any associated fees for use of any images or other material that has been previously published elsewhere.
- Spell out numbers one through nine in the text; use numerals for numbers 10 and greater.
- All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end or as separate files.
- Image files should be high resolution TIFF, at least 300 dpi at a size of 6x9 inches. All illustrations and tables should include titles/captions and should be clearly labeled and credited.
SHL uses the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style.