Integrating Task-Based Language Teaching, Critical Language Pedagogy, and Service-Learning to Foster Critical Language Awareness

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Ellen J. Serafini


The current study takes a novel approach to integrating principles of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), Critical Language Pedagogy (CLP), and Service Learning (SL) in order to build heritage and second language (L2) students’ critical language awareness (CLA). First, the construct of CLA is defined and contextualized within the field of Spanish as a heritage language (SHL). Then core principles underlying the current critical task-based model are described and applied in the context of a critical service-learning course, “Spanish in the Schools” in which advanced heritage and L2 Spanish students served as Spanish
literacy aides in a local dual language elementary school over a semester. Students carried out key service-learning tasks, such as the critical biliteracy task, and engaged in critical reflection after each service-learning experience. The Naming-Action Reflection phases following Freire’s problem-posing approach (1970/2000) and the Pre-During-Post task cycle sequence (Willis & Willis, 2007) guided critical task design and implementation, providing language educators with an innovative approach to integrating CLA as both task-based objective and outcome. SHL and L2 scholars and practitioners alike are encouraged to adapt and localize the critical task-based principles and practices discussed here and to further explore ways to assess the development of CLA in future research.

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