Published: 2018-03-23
Research Articles
Amelia Earhart and the Nikumaroro Bones: A 1941 Analysis versus Modern Quantitative Techniques
AbstractThe unknown fate of Amelia Earhart continues to fascinate. One of the most tantalizing clues involves skeletal remains found on Nikumaroro...
Frontal Sinus Absence Rates in Various Populations: Implications for Forensic Identification
AbstractAntemortem and postmortem radiologic comparisons can be used to help confirm or refute a forensic human identification. When comparing...
Case Reports
Commingled and Unprovenanced: A Case Study Highlighting the Utility of Multiple Techniques for Testing Investigative Leads
AbstractUnprovenanced skeletal remains were located by law enforcement in a private residence in rural Missouri. Forensic anthropological assistance was...
A Case of Human Bone Modification by Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Philippines
AbstractMembers of several insect orders are known to modify osseous vertebrate remains postmortem, whether for nutritional or habitational purposes....
Review Articles
The Use of X-ray Computed Tomography Technologies in Forensic Anthropology
AbstractThe use of radiology, including X-ray computed tomography (CT), to examine skeletal remains is not new, but the use of postmortem CT (PMCT) in...
Book Review
Review of Restos Humanos e Identificación: Violencia de Masa, Genocidio y el “Giro Forense” (Human Remains and Identification: Mass Violence, Genocide, and the “Forensic Turn”)
AbstractREFERENCE Garibian S, Anstett E, Dreyfus J-M. Restos Humanos e Identificación: Violencia de Masa, Genocidio y el “Giro Forense.” Buenos...