Published: 2018-01-19
Forensic Anthropology: A Journal for our Discipline
AbstractWelcome to Forensic Anthropology, the only journal devoted to the advancement of the science and professional development of the fields...
Research Articles
Temporal, Geographic and Identification Trends in Craniometric Estimates of Ancestry for Persons of Latin American Origin
AbstractRecent genotypic analyses of U.S.-Mexico border-crossing fatalities reveal greater indigenous ancestry in individuals who are currently...
rASUDAS: A New Web-Based Application for Estimating Ancestry from Tooth Morphology
AbstractThe use of crown and root morphology to estimate population relationships has a long history in dental anthropology. Over the past two decades,...
Forensic Fractography of Bone: A New Approach to Skeletal Trauma Analysis
AbstractFractography is the study of fracture surface morphology, and it can be used to assess a material’s mechanical properties as well as to...
The Small Scavenger Guild of Massachusetts
AbstractThe role of small scavengers (typically birds and small mammals) of large vertebrate remains in terrestrial environments is an under-researched...
Using an Alternate Light Source (ALS) to Search for Surface Deposited Skeletal Remains
AbstractSearches for skeletal remains can be complicated by taphonomic processes that result in the disarticulation, fragmentation, and redistribution...
Case Reports
Making up for Missing Pieces: SEM-EDS Gunshot Residue Analysis of Human Cranial Bone
AbstractThis report outlines a case in which cranial gunshot trauma was suspected, but a large portion of the cranium was not recovered from the scene,...
Book Review
Review of "The Bone Book: A Photographic Lab Manual for Identifying and Siding Human Bones"
AbstractREFERENCE: Mann RW. The Bone Book: A Photographic Lab Manual for Identifying and Siding Human Bones. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas;...