Four Poems by Vladimir Pryakhin

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Nina Kossman


Vladimir (Vlad) Pryakhin is a Russian poet as well as a publisher of poetry. Born in 1957 in Tula, he lived in Tula, the Baltic states, the Smolensk region, and in Moscow. In the late 1980s and early 1990s. he was an active participant in the democratic movement in Russia. In the 1980s he published The Idealist, a samizdat journal of poetry and prose. Since 1992, his poems and short articles have been published in literary magazines in Russia, as well as Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. He is the author of ten books of poetry. In 2012 he became the editor and publisher of The Environment, an international literary almanac. Since 2017, he has been the editor of, a portal dedicated to poetry and art, as well as a moderator of the literary video channel LITINFO. A winner of several literary awards, he participated in free verse festivals in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

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