Six Poems by Óscar Hahn

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G. J. Racz


Óscar Hahn (b. 1938) was a member of the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa in 1971. He went into exile from his native Chile in 1974 after having been held in the Arica Prison following Pinochet’s military coup the previous year. Hahn earned a doctorate from the University of Maryland in 1977. His book of poems, Mal de amor (tr. Love Breaks), was banned by Chile’s junta in 1981. For some thirty years he was a professor of Latin American literature at the University of Iowa, where he now holds emeritus status. Hahn currently resides in Ohio.

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Articles and Translations
Author Biography

G. J. Racz, LIU Brooklyn

G. J. Racz is professor of Humanities at LIU Brooklyn, a former president of the American Literary Translators Association (ALTA), and review editor for Translation Review. Primarily a poetry translator with a specialization in meter and rhyme, Racz has published nine books of work by the Peruvian author Eduardo Chirinos, most recently A Brief History of Music and Fourteen Forms of Melancholy (Diálogos Books, 2020). Racz’s work also appeared last year in the bilingual volume Architects of the Imaginary (Gival Press, 2022) by Marta López-Luaces. His translations for the theatre include: Rigmaroles by Jaime Salom in Three Comedies (UP of Colorado, 2004); Life Is a Dream by Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Fuenteovejuna and The Dog in the Manger by Félix Lope de Vega, The Siege of Numantia by Miguel Cervantes, and Trials of a Noble House by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz in The Golden Age of Spanish Drama: A Norton Critical Edition (W. W. Norton & Co., 2018); and Dark Stone by Alberto Conejero in “Stages of Desire” (ESTRENO Contemporary Spanish Plays, Bilingual Edition, 2020).