Four Contemporary Love Poems by Zhang Zhihao

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Yuemin He


Zhang Zhihao (张执浩), poet and novelist, was born in 1965 in Jingmen, Hubei. He graduated from the history department of the Central China Normal University in 1988. Author of nine poetry collections, several novels, and some influential essays, Zhang has won numerous poetry awards, including Poet of the Year (2014), the annual Chen Zi’ang Poetry Award (2016), and the Luxun Literary Prize for poetry (2017, Chinese equivalent to the Pulitzer). He is currently editor-in-chief of Chinese Poetry, a quarterly poetry magazine in Wuhan, China. The four poems translated here center on the theme of genuine love and the yearning for such love; they provide an opportunity to access the writings of a major poet in the contemporary Chinese poetic landscape.

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Author Biography

Yuemin He, Northern Virginia Community College

Yuemin He is a writer, translator, and editor. She has published on Asian American literature, Buddhist American literature, East Asian literature and visual art, and composition pedagogy. Her poetry translations appear in Oxford Anthology of Modern and Contemporary American Poetry (2nd ed.), Metamorphoses, Ezra, The Cincinnati Review, Copper Nickel, and many other places. Currently, she is an English professor at Northern Virginia Community College.