Research Articles
Race, Population Affinity, and Mortality Risk during the Second Plague Pandemic in Fourteenth-Century London, England
AbstractWe investigate whether hazards of death from plague and physiological stress at a fourteenth-century plague cemetery (Royal Mint, London)...
Headless Burials from Pachacamac, Peru
A Taphonomic Approach to Reconstructing Mortuary Ritual
AbstractA paleoradiographic survey of funerary bundles (fardos) from a Late Intermediate Period (1000 A.D.–1472 A.D.) cemetery in Sector 3 of the site...
Health-Related Caretaking in an Institutionalized Setting
Applying the Index of Care to Burial 1 from the Mid-Nineteenth- to Early Twentieth-Century Mississippi State Asylum, Jackson, MS
AbstractHealth-related caretaking was provided to individuals institutionalized in the Mississippi State Asylum (MSA), Jackson, MS (AD 1855–1935)....