Published: 2022-10-10
Research Articles
“Me veía hesitant en contestar su pregunta and how to break things down”
Peer Tutors’ Experience at the Heritage Spanish Writing Center
AbstractThis study analyzes the experiences of undergraduate peer-tutors in a Heritage Spanish Writing Center (HSWC). Tutors, uniquely positioned as the...
La comprensión de textos argumentativos y la elaboración de resúmenes:
¿Un reto exclusivo para los estudiantes de español como lengua de herencia?
AbstractSe explora la comprensión y la elaboración del resumen de un texto argumentativo por parte de un grupo de 188 estudiantes de español como lengua...
Developing Academic Spanish in Bilingual Teacher Candidates
A Critical Interpretive Review
AbstractPolicy makers and education researchers emphasize the need for English learners to develop academic language in order to improve school...
En Acción
Reflections on a Heritage Spanish Literary Contest
AbstractThe authors reflect on their experiences hosting a literary contest for Spanish as a heritage language (SHL) at a major university in the...
Integration of Peer Support Services in the Spanish as a Heritage Language Curriculum
AbstractThe following is a description of a pedagogical initiative that has resulted from the collaboration between a Spanish for Heritage/Bilingual...
Teaching Written Accent Marks to Spanish as a Heritage Language Learners
AbstractAccent marks are one of the top reasons why heritage language learners of Spanish decide to study the language formally, yet many SHL...
Critical Sociolinguistics Meets Curriculum Design
Demystifying Language Ideologies in the Heritage Language Classroom
AbstractThis manuscript describes a course for heritage speakers (HSs) of Spanish implemented at a large state university in the Northeast US. As has...
Dissertation Summaries
Discutiendo sus efectos e implicaciones pedagógicas para hablantes de herencia de español
AbstractEs un resumen de una tesis doctoral.