Feelings Towards Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Mixed Spanish Classes Containing Different Types of Learners

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Angela George


Previous research has shown that positive emotions can facilitate language learning (e.g., Alrabai, 2022), while negative emotions can hinder it (e.g., Seligman, 2011). Therefore, the current study employs a sentiment analysis to determine how different types of learners feel about mixed Spanish courses, or courses that contain early second language learners (EL2), late second language learners (LL2), heritage learners (HLL) and/or native speakers (NS). Students were enrolled in beginning, intermediate, or advanced Spanish courses at a large public university in Western Canada and completed an online questionnaire. The findings indicate support for mixed classes at all levels by HLLs and NSs and mixed support by LL2s and EL2 at the beginner and intermediate level and by LL2s at the advanced level. The sentiment analysis revealed positive emotions for learners who supported mixed courses and mixed emotions for learners who supported separate courses. This study has implications for teachers and learners in mixed classes involving the mitigation of negative feelings by learners.

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