Published: 2019-04-16
Editors' Introduction
Expansiveness in/through RHM
AbstractWith RHM’s first publication year in the books, we stopped for a moment to consider how far we’ve come. In our first two double issues,...
Research Articles
A Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Soundscape: Physiological Monitors, Rhetorical Ventriloquism, and Earwitnessing
AbstractConsidering aurality (hearing) and sonicity (sounds/noises) in our research sites promises much for rhetoric of health and medicine (RHM)...
Bioethics and "Brave New World": Science Fiction and Public Articulation of Bioethics
AbstractDebates over medicine and biotechnology have often had recourse to science fiction narratives. One narrative, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New...
Too Fat to be President? Chris Christie and Fat Stigma as Rhetorical Disability
AbstractAnalyzing media discourse around Chris Christie’s fatness and fitness for the presidency, this essay examines how stigma constrains the...
Persuasion Briefs
Communicating Elective Sterilization: A Feminist Perspective
AbstractPatient-OBGYN (obstetrics and gynecology) communication about contraception and reproduction can be fraught with ideological pressures, cultural...