Diagnosing Madness: The Discursive Construction of the Psychiatric Patient, 1850-1920. Cristina Hanganu-Bresch and Carol Berkenkotter. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2019. 192 pages, $49.99 paperback, $49.99 e-book. Publisher webpage:

Main Article Content

Shannon Fanning


Review of "Diagnosing Madness: The Discursive Construction of the Psychiatric Patient," 1850-1920. Cristina Hanganu-Bresch and Carol Berkenkotter. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2019. 192 pages, $49.99 paperback, $49.99 e-book. 
Publisher webpage: https://www.sc.edu/uscpress/books/2019/6025.html 

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Book Reviews


Works Cited

Arduser, Lora., Dura, Lucía., & Malkowski, Jennifer. (2015). Rhetorical agency in the face of uncertainty. Poroi, 11(1), 1-8.

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Reynolds, J. Fred. (2018). A short history of mental health rhetoric research (MHRR). Rhetoric of Health & Medicine, 1(1), 1-18.

Scott, J. Blake., and Meloncon, Lisa (2019). RHM’s Relations and Relationships. Rhetoric of Health & Medicine, 2(4), iii-x.