Five Poems

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Traian T. Coșovei
Adam J. Sorkin
Andreea Iulia Scridon


Traian T. Coșovei (1954–2014) was a Romanian poet of the ’80s generation. He was a founding member of the “Cenaclul de Luni” literary circle, a group that would eventually set the tone for much of postmodern Romanian poetry. He was the recipient of a series of prizes, including the Prize of the Romanian Academy and the International Nichita Stănescu Prize. Coșovei published over twenty books of poetry, literary criticism, and prose. These poems are drawn from the collections Ninsoarea electrică (Bucharest: Cartea Românească Publishing House, 1979) and Greva căpşunelor (Bucharest: Libra Publishing House, 2004).

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