1. All manuscript submissions should be submitted, as Microsoft Word files, to the editor at

2. Submissions to JGSS should be approximately 10,000 words, including source citations. In special instances the editor may allow longer papers to be published. All submissions should also include an abstract of no more than 250 words.

3. All submissions should follow The Chicago Manual of Style (16th Edition). The Journal of Global South Studies does not cite references or sources in the body of the paper with name of author, date of publication, and page number in brackets. The journal uses consecutive regular number citations (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.), NOT ROMAN NUMERALS, in the body of the paper with corresponding numbers and sources listed separately under Notes at the end of the paper.

4. The name of the author, institutional affiliation, and contact information should not appear on the paper. This information should be provided on a separate page. This is to ensure the anonymity of the author to the reviewers of the paper. The journal’s review process is double-blind (i.e., neither the author(s) nor the reviewers know each other).

5. The title of the paper should be at the top of the first page and centered. An abstract should be included and is limited to 250 words.

6. All spelling must be in American English. Authors must edit British spelling previous to submission unless such spelling is part of a direct quote.

7. Please use Times New Roman (12pt font) and double-space the text.

8. Depending on the nature of one’s paper, generally most papers would need the following sections: introduction, literature review, methods of data collection (if relevant), presentation and analysis of data collected, and summary/conclusion. Well-structured papers make it easier for reviewers to scrutinize and evaluate the quality of arguments and analysis.

9. The main section headings for the paper should be centered on the page; minor sub-headings or sub-sections should be justified on the left hand side of the page. This will make it easier for reviewers to know that a sub-section is under a major section.

10. At the time of manuscript submission, authors should also submit the names, professional titles, institutional affiliations, and contact information of a small number (approximately 5–8) of potential reviewers with relevant expertise and credentials. Authors should avoid potential conflicts of interest (e.g., submitting the name of a dissertation supervisor or personal friend who would be unable to review the manuscript impartially) in selecting such references. The review process will remain double-blind. 

Here is a link to the Chicago quick guide:


1. J. Patrice McSherry, Incomplete Transition: Military Power and Democracy in Argentina (Lincoln, NE: iUniverse, 2008), 99–105.

Journal Articles
2. Felix Zimmerman and Kimberly Smith, “More Actors, More Money, More Ideas for International Development Co-operation,” Journal of International Development 23, no. 5 (2011): 722–738.

Chapters or other part of a book:
3. Z. Hong and Yi Sun, “In Search of Re-ideologization and Social Order,” in Dilemmas of Reform in Jiang Zemin’s China, ed. Andrew Nathan, Z.Hong and Steven Smith (Boulder, CO: Lynne Reinner Publishers, 1999), 32–52.

Newspaper articles
4. Carley Farrell, “Third World Studies Meeting in Ghana Makes History,” Americus Times-Recorder, December 9, 2009.

5. “Conference Proposals - Guidelines” accessed December 7, 2016,

Immediate repeat of preceding citation
6. Ibid.

Repeat of citation after intervening citation
10. McSherry, Incomplete Transition, 45.



1. If you wish to review a book from the Books Available for Review list, send your selection to the book review editor at Only books published in the last two years will be considered for review. 

2. The book review should be about 750 words in length, plus or minus ten percent. Excessively long or short reviews will be returned. If reviewing two books in the same review, the word count increases to 1,200 words. The two books must have a strong common denominator. Reviewing two boks in the same review is not a review essay. A review essay examines three or more books. Each book in a review essay adds 600 words to the total word count allotment.

3. The header of your review should include: author(s) or editor(s) with first and last name(s) as they appear on the book jacket, with the family name appearing first; title of the book in italics; place of publication; publisher; and year of publication. At the end of the review, include your first and last name (without titles or job status) along with your institutional affiliation. Retired faculty may be listed as emeritus after the university affiliation. If you do not have an institutional affiliation, list yourself as Independent Scholar. 

4. All reviews should be submitted with American English spelling, rather than British English spelling, unless using a direct quote from the book. 

5. All citations and references should be made in the text, rather than as footnotes or endnotes. To cite a page in the book under review, insert the page number for a quote parenthetically at the end of the sentence before the period. To reference another work, parenthetically cite the author's name, year of publication, and page number if relevant. All direct quotes in the review must have a citation. Reviewers are encouraged to use quotes from the book. Excessively long quotes should be avoided and block quotes are not allowed.

6. The book review should give readers an engaging, informative, and critical discussion of the work. It is an academic book review, not an interpretive essay or a social commentary. A strong review should consider the following:

      a. the intended audience for the book and who would find it useful
      b. the background of the author and his/her qualifications to write the book
      c. the main ideas and major objectives of the book
      d. how effectively these ideas and objectives are accomplished
      e. constructive comments about the strengths and weaknesses of the book

7. Reviews should be submitted electronically using MS Word to the book review editor at The subject heading of the email should include the phrase "Book Review for JGSS."

8. If you cannot deliver your review within four months of receiving the book, please inform the book review editor so that the book can be assigned to another reviewer or a deadline extension can be discussed.