Published: 2021-04-28

Experimental Formation of Marine Abrasion on Bone and the Forensic Postmortem Submergence Interval

James T. Pokines, Melissa Menschel, Savannah Mills, Elena Janowiak, Reshma Satish, Caroline Kincer



Human skeletal remains are frequently recovered from marine environments, where they have undergone months or years of immersion, and...

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Language Use and Professional Discourse as an Important Component of Forensic Anthropology

Emily Michon



Communication plays a vital role in the perception of forensic anthropology as a necessary and beneficial component of
society, and, as...

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Combining Variables to Improve Subadult Age Estimation

Kyra E. Stull, Kerianne Armelli



Anthropologists have reported that the combination of multiple variables and indicators generally increases precision and reduces bias in age...

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Application of the Optimized Summed Score Attributes Method for Sex Estimation

Holly Long, Alexandra R. Klales



The optimized summed scored attributes (OSSA) method was first developed for cranial ancestry estimation (Hefner & Ousley 2014). Tallman and...

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The Use of Bone Fluorescence to Facilitate DNA Sampling

Theodora Eleftheriou, Aikaterini Papaioannou, Angi M. Christensen, Joseph T. Hefner



DNA is increasingly used in skeletal remains cases for identification and to resolve commingling. The implementation of a sampling strategy...

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