Introduction to the Special Issue
Diaspora Connections
AbstractSeeking critical and sound examination, analysis, and evaluation of complex ideas and theories of established past directions in the...
(Re)negotiating Empire
A Postcolonial Reading of the Narrative of Refugee Experience in Laila Lalami’s Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits
AbstractThis paper considers narratives of refugee experience in postcolonial scholarship. Investigating refugee experiences is indispensable to...
Singing Blackness
Racial Discourse in Black Cuban and Black Dominican Rap and Hip-Hop
AbstractIn this article I propose the exploration of racial discourse in recent Black Caribbean rap and hip- hop productions. Rap and hip- hop are often...
Diaspora, Modernism, and Black Masculinities in Sam Selvon’s The Lonely Londoners and Andrew Salkey’s Escape to an Autumn Pavement
AbstractFollowing the transnational turn in modernist studies, and building on Stuart Hall’s and Nadia Ellis’s concepts of diaspora as key to...
The People Don’t Give Up!
Afrodiasporic Social Movements in Buenaventura, Colombia and the 2017 Paro Cívico
AbstractIn 2017 images of demonstrations, riot police, and tanks filled social media worldwide. Most of the videos and media coverage reported on the...
Recipe for Identity
Constructing the Self in Chitrita Banerji's A Taste of My Life
AbstractThe placement of recipes in a food memoir serves the unique function of contextualising a life story against culture, tradition, and history....
The Erotic Black Diaspora
From Your Hands to Mine
Abstract“The Erotic Black Diaspora: From Your Hands to Mine” is a theoretical exploration of how the erotic informs Black feminist politics, kinship,...
“A Western Outpost of the Punjab”
Forging Landscapes of Belonging in Bhira Backhaus’s Under the Lemon Trees
AbstractBy forcefully inserting itself within the landscape and history of California, “near the confluence of the Feather and Sacramento rivers” in the...
Dis/Connected in Diaspora
An Autoethnographic Account of Translating within Language and Relating across Nation-States
AbstractReflecting on the nature of my ethnographic research comprising open-ended biographical narrative interviews and participant observation, this...
Racism Learnt and Unlearnt
Locating Afro-Diasporic Experiences in India in “The Shade of You” by Anushree Majumdar
AbstractFor centuries, Africans migrated to India in different phases resulting in a significant presence of the African diaspora in this country. The...
“Ye Be the Clear Morag Yourself”
Spivak, a Global Marx, and Just Weather Talk
AbstractThis essay creates a heuristic homology between postcoloniality and strains of survivorship whose very contingency “de-humaniz[es] greed as the...
Notes on Contributors
AbstractNotes on the contributors to Volume 11, Numbers 1/2 (Spring/Fall 2023)