Truth and Reconciliation in Charleston, SC—Slavery Central
AbstractAs a tourist destination dependent on its reputation for elegant architecture, fine dining, and good manners,...
South American Joyce
Polysemic Words and Vulgar Language in Brazilian Translations of Ulysses
AbstractSeveral translations of the novel Ulysses by James Joyce exist in a variety of languages, even, recently,...
Puns Upon a Time
Beyond the Monologic Discourse of History in "Sea of Poppies"
AbstractThis article argues that Amitav Ghosh’s Sea of Poppies combats monologic discourse by channeling what Mikhail Bakhtin calls the...
Settler Colonialism and Science Fiction
Imagining the Worlds Turned Inside Out
AbstractFor those who were not Indigenous to it, the Americas were once the ‘New World’, colonies, and distant and alien places. When it comes to...
Book Review
The Promise of Postcolonial Postsecularism
AbstractCumpsty, Rebekah. Postsecular Poetics: Negotiating the Sacred and Secular in Contemporary African Fiction, Routledge, 2023. 161 pp....