Tax and Cross-Collateralized Nonrecourse Liability
AbstractThis Article explores the tax treatment of cross-collateral nonrecourse debt. When using the term cross-collateral debt, we are referring to...
Executive Pay Clawbacks and Their Taxation
AbstractExecutive pay clawback provisions require executives to repay previously received compensation under certain circumstances, such as a downward...
Treaty Override
The False Conflict Between Whitney and Cook
This Article explores the conditions under which a U.S. statute overrides an earlier self-executing treaty. Focusing on the often blurred...
The Rise of Law and the Fall of Circular 230
Tax Lawyer Professional Standards, 1985–2015
This Article focuses on the two issues that dominated discussions of professional responsibility standards for tax lawyers in the 1985–2015...
Full Taxation
The Single Tax Emperor’s New Clothes
It has recently been argued in the international tax literature that the OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting project (BEPS) reflects and...
Forking Belief in Cryptocurrency
A Tax Non-Realization Event
When the community of believers in a cryptocurrency splits into two, the currency may experience a “hard fork” and split into two independent...
Teaching Algorithms and Algorithms for Teaching
AbstractThis Article focuses on what it calls the “algorithm method,” a common method used to teach tax classes that presents students with unambiguous...
Designing Nonrecognition Rules Under the Internal Revenue Code
AbstractNonrecognition rules are a prominent feature of the income tax laws and are a source of considerable complexity and tax planning. Included among...
Designing Aviation Taxes Within the EU
Chartering Ongoing Challenges and Proposing Future Solutions
This Article focuses on environmental taxes, specifically aviation taxes, and the challenges and limitations EU law imposes on individual EU...
Regulation and Dishonest Behavior
How Controlling Regulatory Mechanisms Prompt Dishonesty in Tax Consulting
We study experimentally how the conflict of interest faced by tax consultants—between telling the truth and pleasing their clients—affects their...