Published: 2024-03-29
Full Issue
Keri Hulme's Holy Family
Postcoloniality and Theology in The Bone People
AbstractKeri Hulme's Holy Family: Postcoloniality and Theology in The Bone People
"My Body is a Crossroad of Sorts"
Performance, Postcoloniality, and the Body in Belly Dance--A Conversation with Stavros Stavrou Karayanni and Andrea Deagon
Abstract"'My Body is a Crossroad of Sorts': Performance, Postcoloniality, and the Body in Belly Dance--A Conversation with Stavros Stavrou Karayanni and...
On Discourses of Kingship in Contemporary Africa
What Role the Hero and the Hero-Turned Villain
AbstractOn Discourses of Kingship in Contemporary Africa: What Role the Hero and the Hero-Turned Villian?
"Disaster Capitalism" and Anti-Globalization in Pauline Melville's The Migration of Ghosts
Abstract"Disaster Capitalism" and Anti-Globalization in Pauline Melville's The Migration of Ghosts
"The Old, Old Battle of the Room"
The Politics of Space in A Room With A View
Abstract"The Old, Old Battle of the Room": The Politics of Space in A Room With A View
Speaking with a Forked Tongue
A Rebuttal of Amit Chaudhuri on Indian Anglophone Literature
Speaking with a Forked Tongue: A Rebuttal of Amit Chaudhuri on Indian Anglophone Literature
Magical Realism and Postcolonial Studies
Twenty-First Century Perspectives
AbstractMagical Realism and Postcolonial Studies: Twenty-First Century Perspectives