Manuscript Submission

Submissions are welcome on a wide range of topics within political science, political sociology, military sociology and civil-military relations. They should reflect current research that speaks to important theoretical and conceptual issues. Political commentaries and general essays are generally not published. All manuscripts undergo anonymous, blind peer review.

Manuscript Guidelines

Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic format (preferably Microsoft Word) as an email attachment to one of the journal editors (see contact information below). Manuscripts of 20-30 typed, double-spaced pages (in 12 point font) are generally preferred, though longer submissions may be considered. An abstract of approximately 100 words should be included with the manuscript.

Citations should follow The Chicago Manual of Style (17th Edition).

In text:
The security dilemma for Canada "lies in what balance the government should find between measures abroad and those at home" (Sloan 2010, 4).

In reference list:
Jump, Teresa L., and Linda Haas. 1987. "Fathers in Transition: Dual-Career Fathers Participating in Child Care." In Changing Men: New Directions in Research on Men and Masculinity, edited by Michael S. Kimmel, 98-114. New York: Sage.

Park, Ching-Min, and Doh Chull Shin. 2006. "Do Asian Values Deter Popular Support for Democracy in South Korea?" Asian Survey 46 (3): 341-361.

Sloan, Elinor C. 2010. Security and Defence in the Terrorist Era: Canada and the United States Homeland. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.

United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women. 2001. "Women2000: Widowhood: Invisible Women, Secluded or Excluded." Accessed February 8, 2019. library/publications/2001/12/women2000-widowhood-invisible-women-secluded-or-excluded. 

Manuscripts should be submitted through our online portal here